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Lent at Sts. Clare & Francis

This Lent, during Mass, we'll be exploring the "University of the Desert".  The Desert isn't about punishment or abandonment, but about revelation and refocusing. What do we learn about ourselves and God in desert times? How can we go deeper in our faith, even in the wilderness? 

The Christian tradition is full of mystics who did just that.  Come learn how.

Check out what else is going on during Lent!

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Are you hungry? Or curious about great fish frys in the St. Louis area? Us too. Join us as we explore!  â€‹Check the schedule here, and meet us there at 6pm.

Iftar Meals

​As part of our care for neighbors and immigrants, we will be taking a special offering on March 15 and 22 to purchase Iftar meals (the meals which break the Ramadan fast) from for recent immigrants, the elderly, and others who cannot afford these important meals.  Last year Yapi Subs, who organizes this event, delivered 4,963 Iftar meals to hungry St. Louisans.


If you'd like to offer hospitality and support to these neighbors, you can donate during Mass or give online though our secure portal (please choose "Iftar meals" from the dropdown menu).

Holy Week Schedule

Holy Week is an opportunity to walk with Jesus and his community through the last week of his life, remembering that we are also a part of this story.  

All Masses in Sample Chapel will be available live on Zoom.  Contact the church office for meeting info.  The Good Friday service will be livestreamed by FCCWG on their YouTube page.  We hope you'll join us for any or all of these gatherings.

Palm leaves

Palm Sunday Mass: Saturday, April 12
5pm in Sample Chapel

two hands wash two feet in a wooden bowl

Holy Thursday Mass: Thursday, April 17
7pm in Sample Chapel

A thoughtful, reflective service including foot washing and incense

A cross on a beach backlit by a setting sun

Good Friday BluesFriday, April 18
7pm in the main sanctuary of First Congregational Church

A retelling of the story of Jesus's last hours
featuring blues music from the Oîkos Ensemble

Easter Vigil Schedle
A bonfire burns brightly

Easter Vigil Mass: Saturday, April 19
7pm beginning in Jubilee Garden (facing Elm Street)

An evening of story, song, and sacrament.
Linger afterward for a dessert reception and champagne toast!

The sun rises over mountains, creating bright rays

Easter Sunday Mass: Sunday, April 20

We gather with friends in other communities on Easter Sunday.  This year, we'll be gathering with First Congregational Church at their 10am worship service.

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Sts. Clare & Francis ECC

10 West Lockwood Ave, Webster Groves, MO

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